Agreement to Austin Pottery Studio Policies and Release of Liability

(revised 07/01/2023)

I acknowledge by my completion of this form that I have read and reviewed the Studio Policies for Austin Pottery, LLC.  I agree to follow those policies while making pottery in Austin Pottery, LLC classes or studio space.  I am fully aware that working with clay and making pottery carries with it a risk of personal injury or harm even when all procedures are followed and all precautions undertaken.  I acknowledge that I am aware of the risks of injury/illness and knowledgeable of the rules, equipment, and practices being employed by Austin Pottery LLC to minimize my risk of sustaining an injury/illness while making pottery in Austin Pottery LLC classes or studio space.  I agree to use all required safety equipment and follow all safety protocols, rules and instructions from Austin Pottery LLC teachers and staff. 

RELEASE OF LIABILITY: I hereby release and hold harmless Austin Pottery LLC, their officers, employees, volunteers, managers, boards and landlords, from and against any and all liability, loss, damages, claims, or actions (including costs and attorneys’ fees) for all injuries and/or property damage incurred while I engage in activities at Austin Pottery LLC, to the extent permissible by law.

I have read and understand this Acknowledgement regarding the Studio Policies and Protocols and Release of Liability Agreement. I voluntarily sign it and hereby give permission to Austin Pottery, LLC for emergency transportation and/or treatment in the event of illness or injury. I hereby accept responsibility for the payment of any emergency transportation and/or treatment. I further certify that I have no medical, physical or emotional conditions that would restrict my participation in this activity or program.